Home Made Bitters

Home Made Bitters

Home Made Bitters

Bitters are great at getting your digestion started. By taking a few drops of bitters prior to your meal, you can kick start your digestive juices helping your body better:

  • digest your food
  • ease the production of gas/acid
  • lessen your desire for sweets
  • support metabolism
  • support liver function

All of which helps keep you happy and healthy!

Bitters are easy to make. Just add some great herbs to some quality vodka and let set for 6-8 weeks. Here’s a list of some herbs that work well in bitters: Angelica, Chamomile, Dandelion, Fennel, Gentian, Ginger, and Orange Peel. Here’s a great recipe I found in my Mother Earth News Herb Companion Series.

2 parts dandelion root

1 part fennel seed

1/2 part ginger root

1/2 part orange peel (Washed)


Place the herbs into a sterilized jar, then poor the vodka over the top, ensuring to totally cover the herbs. Place the lid on tightly and let set for 6-8 weeks shaking the mixture often.

When ready strain the herbs with some cheese cloth (I used a coffee filter) and place the bitters in a dark glass. Use a dropper or spray bottle to enjoy a few drops before you enjoy your meal.

bitter pour 1

straining the bitters

apothocary jars

Bitters and Elixirs






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