Finding the truth about finding my health

Finding the truth about finding my health

As I was looking to find my health, I found myself moving from one idea to another. I tried different diets, raw, vegan, vegetarian. Then I learned about herbs and how to make herbal remedies, using herbs instead of over the counter drugs. I learned about using...
What’s making me fat?

What’s making me fat?

What’s making me fat! What is making us fat? The answer to this question is the same answer to the question, “What is making us sick and tired?”, and to the question, “Why do I feel like I am aging faster then I should be?” It’s...
Using the sun’s energy to heal the body

Using the sun’s energy to heal the body

Using the sun to promote body health, With the arrival of spring and the longer days, now is the perfect time to spend some morning time in the sun. The sun has received a bad rap and because of this, we have grown to fear the damaging effects the sun’s rays can have...
What’s making me fat?

Finding the culprits of stress, then finding relief Mental Health Relationships can add depth and joy to your life. But a toxic relationship can bring on symptoms of depression, insecurities, and add undo stress, to an already stressful life. Ensuring you have...

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