As I was looking to find my health, I found myself moving from one idea to another. I tried different diets, raw, vegan, vegetarian. Then I learned about herbs and how to make herbal remedies, using herbs instead of over the counter drugs. I learned about using crystals, essential oils, and practiced yoga & meditation. I felt I was scattered in my attempts to find health, moving from one healing modality to another looking for the right one for me, but never really arriving on the right one for me. Then I realized there isn’t one answer. I found that it is all of the above that can work.
Did I mention that on my path to finding my health, I also found Ayurveda and it was within this arena I was able to find my health,
Being raised in the western health system, I learned to compartmentalize my healing. If I had a headache, I took an aspirin, if my knee was feeling stiff, I rubbed Tiger balm on it. This became my strategy when looking to find health. But this was a mistake. We are whole people with bodies connected to our thoughts and emotions, effected by the food we eat and by our practices and rituals.
My years of learning, my practices that I cumulatively collected to create a better path to health, can all be found on my You Tube Channel and in My Book “Feeling Groovy, A busy Woman’s Guide to finding Health & Happiness.” I’d love to share this with you.



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