Finding your purpose!
Yah right! Easier said then done. I am fifty-eight and I am still trying to figure out this question.
“What is my purpose?” “What should I be doing with my life?”
I studied others, watched inspirational documentaries, attended trainings, read books, but it was still this elusive idea- purpose. It was kind of like trying out a new diet. Which one, which versions. It can be so confusing with so many options, that I just didn’t do anything. I would hear adages like- “Once you find your purpose, you’ll never work another day in your life.” Or this one “You’ll know it what you find it.”
Even though I didn’t know what my purpose was, I knew what it wasn’t. At fifty-five I walked away from my job. A job I went to college for (And am still paying for), a job which paid my bills, a job that I worked hard to move up the ladder to get. Here lies the dilemma, even with all that I did, in order to have this job, I wasn’t happy. So, I walked away. It wasn’t easy, it was actually very scary. What would I do? How will I pay my bills? And then there was my sister’s response, which pretty much went like this “Are you crazy?”
Yes, I think I am just a bit crazy. But life is much too short to not be happy. Now there was a time that I thought I was happy. I liked being in school, I loved the field. I liked the feeling of being promoted and the power that came with it. But there was still something missing. And I needed to find out what that was. And there was those little gnawing things like strange rashes, feelings of sadness, or bouts of crying, that told me something was wrong.
It is only now that I am realizing that the answer to my most personal question of “What is my purpose?” can’t be answered by looking outside of myself or to others. That to find my purpose, I would need to look inside.
I feel that in order to understand what your purpose is, you need to know three things about yourself-
- What brings you joy?
- What are your values?
- What talents/ skills do you have?
To answer these questions, I needed to go back to my childhood. A time when I knew myself best, before others told me who I should be, what I should like, how I should behave. I also found some strategies that worked for me, that I’d like to share with you.
Meditation– A quiet time to ask the question- What is my purpose and for this question to be answered by your heart and your soul.
Asking the question– “Where do I see myself in 5 years 10 years?” “What would my life feel like, if I make this change or if I don’t make this change?”
Remember– Think back when you were a child, what made you smile?
Aligning your values– Review a Values Checklist to gain a better understanding of your personal values. (Not those that others place on you)
Once I took a closer look at myself in these three areas, I found that I did find some joy in my job. I helped others. I worked with children and families. I loved the feeling of power and moving up the ladder. I also felt that I was able to demonstrate my skills and talents in my job, part of why I was able to be successful at my job. But my values and the values of my employers did not align. I was being asked to make decisions, I did not want to make. Asked to do things that weren’t congruent with my beliefs. Because I was missing such a strong pillar in my foundation, as values, it all crumbled. I wasn’t working to me meeting my personal purpose but, that of my employer’s.
Now I am working towards learning who I am, what is important to me and what I want to do. And I want to share with you a couple worksheets I found on-line to help you do the same and I hope that it helps you get a little closer to finding your purpose.
Denise, this was a great read! Thank
You for sharing your life with me!
You mentioned a few worksheets you wanted to share but I’m
Not seeing them!
Also is there a way to share this article via email?