
What does it mean to contemplate? When I considered this, I decided, I may contemplate on a specific situation in order to come to a specific resolution. Or maybe I will need to contemplate on a decision that I need to make that I have not yet taken the time to do. But I feel when view this practice in this manner, the act of contemplation is a means to an end. To finally come to a decision or to make a choice that was long needed. 

Let us take a closer look at the act of contemplation. A definition I found when Googling the term was, “to view or consider with continued attention”. Another definition I found was, “to think profoundly and at length; meditate”. I love the latter definition. Just the words used in their description resonated with me- to think profoundly. This gives this act some heft. A bit of importance. 

And I have come to believe that act of contemplation is just that, a profound practice of thinking at length on an important matter. And what matter could be more important then our life?  

I also like the idea of contemplation being at length and how it was associated to the act of meditation. So, often we can consider, noodle, contemplate on a topic with an expectation of receiving an answer. But what if? What if, we just thought? If we set forth into motion the act of contemplation with no expected outcome? With this mindset, the possibilities of ideas, answers and thoughts that could come to us, would be infinite.  

So why contemplate? Well the obvious, the availability of an infinite source of ideas and answers that could come to us. But let us dive a little deeper into this concept. What if there are personal messages that we were meant to hear? What if the universe has been sending us answers on our purpose, our life’s path or the choices we were meant to follow, but we missed the messages through all the noise in our head and our narrow view in seeking a specific answer?  

What might you hear if you were to sit in the quiet and contemplate your life? What messages might you receive, should you sit in the quiet and contemplate life on this planet? Are you open to receiving ideas that you were never looking for, answers that are outside of the realm of your scope of thought? When you open the door to infinite possibilities, solutions appear that you could have never imagined. 

Let’s give this practice a try. Find a quiet space. A place where you can sit undisturbed. Do this at a time of day when others will not need to connect with you. Before you begin, allow other thoughts to sit at the wayside for later attention, as to not compete during this time. 

Quiet the mind by focusing on your breath. Now bring forth the question, “What if?” “What if money was no object?” “What if anything could happen?” “What if there was nothing holding me back?” “What if this virus opens up opportunities for positive change? Allow thoughts to come in and go by. There is no judgement of good or bad thoughts, only thoughts. Some may hold more power with you, others may slip by.  Allow the thoughts to flow for 10-15 minutes. The more you practice this, the more freely ideas will come. You can add to the practice by journaling your ideas after your session. In time, you will find the act of contemplation to be a vital tool in your decision-making process. 


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